Embracing Autumn and Looking Inward

October 2023


Finding Cosy Comfort in the Changing Seasons

As summer gradually fades into the past and the days grow shorter, there's a magical transformation that takes place in the world around us. The vibrant greens of summer give way to the warm, earthy hues of autumn. It's a time of transition, a time to slow down and embrace the changing seasons. In this blog post, we'll explore the beauty of autumn celebrations around the world, delve into the cosy habits that help us look inward and navigate the chillier days, and provide a list of alternative ways to find solace and comfort.

Autumnal pumpkins

Celebrations of Autumn Worldwide

Autumn is celebrated in various ways across the globe, reflecting the rich diversity of cultures and traditions. Let's take a closer look at some of these celebrations:

Harvest Festivals

In many countries, autumn is synonymous with harvest festivals. Whether it's Thanksgiving in the United States, Chuseok in South Korea, or Pongal in India, these celebrations revolve around giving thanks for the year's bountiful harvests. Families come together to share meals, express gratitude, and celebrate the abundance that nature has provided.

Diwali (Festival of Lights)

In India, the festival of Diwali marks the victory of light over darkness. Homes are adorned with lamps and candles, and families come together to celebrate with feasts and fireworks. The warm glow of Diwali symbolises the triumph of good over evil, making it a time of reflection and renewal.


Originating from ancient Celtic traditions, Halloween has become a worldwide celebration of costumes, candy, and all things spooky. It's a time for children and adults alike to embrace their playful and imaginative sides, whether by dressing up as their favorite characters or exploring haunted houses.

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

In Mexico, this holiday honors deceased loved ones with colorful altars, marigolds, and sugar skulls. It's a beautiful blend of remembrance and celebration, where families gather to pay their respects to those who have passed away. The vibrant decorations and heartfelt tributes make it a unique and meaningful autumn tradition.

Embracing Darkness in the North

In the northern regions, where autumn brings longer nights and the approach of winter, people have developed unique ways to embrace the darkness. From Scandinavia to Iceland, residents make the most of their extended twilight hours by indulging in activities that bring warmth and togetherness.

Autumn cosiness


The Danish concept of 'hygge' embodies the idea of creating a warm and cosy atmosphere. Think soft blankets, hot drinks, and a flickering candle. It's about savouring the simple pleasures of life and finding comfort in the present moment.

Autumn leaves

Autumn Walks

Take leisurely walks in nature to soak in the breathtaking foliage and crisp air. Don't forget to crunch through fallen leaves! These autumn strolls provide an opportunity to connect with the natural world and find peace in the beauty of the changing seasons.



Autumn is the ideal time to whip up comforting treats like apple pie, pumpkin bread, or cinnamon rolls. The aroma of freshly baked goods fills your home with cosiness and brings joy to your taste buds.

Cosy scene


Dive into a good book with a cup of tea and a cosy blanket. Autumn is a great season for getting lost in captivating stories, whether you prefer curling up with a classic novel or exploring the latest bestsellers.

If you're not quite up to baking like a GBBO contestant or not a lover of the great outdoors, then don't worry, just find what works for you. The key is to embrace the change in seasons, not to fight it. 

Yoga and meditation are a great way to help your mental health overcome the inevitable change in the seasons, but they don't work for everyone. You could also consider activities like photography (use your phone); knitting, sewing, or crocheting; DIY crafts like making autumnal themed decorations; and attending local events and festivals (check out local events on Facebook). YouTube is also a great place to start for new hobbies. 

Try writing or journaling and reflect on your year so far. Consider everything you have achieved, and what you would still like to achieve, and make a plan to get it done. You could also make a list of your favourite books or a playlist of podcasts and songs, or perhaps you prefer working your way through films and box sets. 

Autumn is an opportunity for personal reflection and growth. The transition from Summer to Autumn can be seen as a metaphor for our own lives- embracing change, letting go of what no longer serves us, and preparing for a season of rest and renewal.

Remember, the most important thing is to choose activities that bring you joy and fulfilment. 

Autumn is a time to embrace the beauty of change, celebrate diverse cultural traditions, and find warmth and comfort in the simple pleasures of life. Whether you're taking a cosy walk in the park, trying your hand at baking, or discovering solace in a good book, there are countless ways to thrive during this season of transition. 

So, pour yourself a cup of tea, light a candle, and welcome the autumn season with open arms and an open heart. Embrace the change, for it brings the opportunity for growth and reflection. Happy autumn!

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